Hi Jacky! So good to see you about! The Metal God is coming to PA in August! Tickets go on sale May 22 for Ozzfest! I hope to see you there with my daughter and hopefully HRMG might come along too! Becks!!! Get your ass on a plane and come stay with either me or HRMG! Oh, come on!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jackylone from Monday, May 03, 2010 3:37:32 PM)
jackylone wrote:
Good day all! just wanted to stop in and say hey to everyone, and a special shout out to Hot rockin' metal goddess, Spapad and Becks!!! You gals ROCK!!! I have just heard the new British Steel deluxe live disc this past weekend, and it ROCKS!!! it sure brought back a few awesome memories from last summer!!! Keep the Faith!!!!