Oh, come on Hellrider! Of course they're keeping the metal alive!!! Otherwise they wouldn't have celebrated British Steel's 30th anniversary and toured the US and Canada, much less play it in its entirety. They could've easily done the same with all of Nostra. But did they? No!! They are keeping the faith by recognizing that creating Heavy Metal is what propelled them to fame in the first place. Besides, they still have many more years ahead of them and they'll create a Heavy Metal masterpiece that will surely RIP OUR FACES OFF!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Thursday, May 06, 2010 6:25:23 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
they tell us keep the faith .keep the metal alive and then they reliese this album with only a very few metal tracks on it rest being easy rock.WTF THIS IS NOT PUSHING METAL FORWARD