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[guidogodoy] Thursday, May 06, 2010 11:48:38 PM 
Oh, I completely disagree. Granted, Nostra would have had a limited audience and I don't think they could have pulled off a full tour but a few choice locations and I (and many) would have taken a plane to get there. What do you have to say about that snorefest that was the penultimate Maiden tour? It SUCKED!! Bruce himself even commented in many an interview how off-put he was at the poor reception of AMOLAD. What do they do? Follow up with a nostalgia tour with Somewhere in Time. Try to call back their fan-base. IMO, a way to excuse themselves from a sad album and sad tour.

Priest with BS just knocked them off the shelf even if Halford doesn't know how to fly a plane.
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